Planned Giving

Meet Our Donors

We thank all our planned-gift donors for their generous support. Here are some of their stories.

Lou and Betsy Matlack

Donor Matlack

Former MFS School Committee
Clerk Lou '53 Matlack and
his wife Betsy.

"We established a charitable gift annuity in 2011 with stock. It was a great way to capture the appreciation of the stock, and convert it into permanent, quarterly income for us. We also received a charitable deduction for a portion of the gift, and avoided a big capital gains tax. Plus, after we are gone, we know that our gift will continue to support the mission of MFS."

The Matlack family traces its history with Moorestown Friends all the way back to 1785 as six Matlack family members were part of the original 33 Friends families who raised just over $1,000 to purchase land and build a stone school house. Lou Matlack, a member of the Class of 1953, participated on the School Committee from 1972 to 1994, and served as its clerk for half of that time. He was instrumental in the building of Stokes Hall and the Toward the Third Century long-range plan and fundraising campaign. His wise and pragmatic leadership was foundational for the school we have today. Lou's grandson is in the Lower School at MFS and continues the family's legacy.